
Undine Groeger

“Three generations of women united by ‘windows’”, from Berlin to New York City

Photo print 

16 x 16 inches


(Original, Limited Edition of 21 for each Option, Option 1 photo print unframed, 16 x 16 inches, Option 2 photo print face mounted to acrylic, 21 x 21 inches)

It was in May 2020 and I kept asking myself, “How would it be if it had all gone differently...?” With travel restrictions in place, and an avalanche of uncertainties, Oma (my grandmother) asked me « Will I see you again? »... and she keeps asking until this day. We haven’t seen each other for 3 years, this is the longest time I’ve ever gone not seeing her. I live in New York City, USA and my family in Germany.

As much as this story is about Oma, this story is also dedicated to my mother who is a breast cancer survivor and has been taking care of Oma throughout the pandemic. She was by her side as much as it was possible when Oma suddenly fell in the early days of the global pandemic.

On May 11, 2020 - one day after Mother’s Day in Germany - my mother sent me a text message including a photo that shows Oma sending kisses to my mother through a window. At that moment relief set in. More than two weeks had passed since my mother’s last visit at the ICU where she was allowed to see Oma one hour per day after her emergency operation. However, when Oma was moved to another hospital unit, she was only allowed to contact her by phone due to Covid-19 restrictions. Once in rehab, they were able to reunite via a window.

I created this photo to bridge the distance between us in gratitude and relieved to see my Oma - albeit through several “windows” - as much as to capture the effects the global pandemic had on our daily lives with one more window added and the freedom to travel taken away.

My mother shared similar thoughts with me about this critical moment with Oma during the pandemic:

An emotional rollercoaster between hope and fear, fears and anger, small and big worries, helplessness and driven, externally controlled actionism, a friendly external smile paired with an inner outcry, isolation from whoever or whatever to protect yourself.

The joy of reunion !!! after weeks of uncertainty with the always anxious question:

How is it going to continue anyway ???

How free can one be in the confinement?

It all continues, just differently!

Original version in German: 

Gefühls-Karussell zwischen Hoffen und Bangen, Ängsten und Wut, kleinen, großen Sorgen, Hilflosigkeit und getriebenem, fremdgesteuertem Aktionismus, freundlichem  Äußeren-Lächeln und innerer Verzweiflungung-Schrei, Abgeschlossenheit gegenüber wem oder was auch immer um sich selbst zu schützen.

Wiedersehensfreude !!! nach Wochen der Ungewissheit mit der stets bangen Frage: 

Wie geht es überhaupt weiter??? Wie frei kann man sein in der Eingeschränktheit?

Es geht weiter nur anders !!!
