22 karat gold leaf, palladium leaf, & 23½ moon gold, (104" X 69")

Interns and Artists For Pristina

Executive Assistants:
Arevik Grigoryan (Armenia)

Ani Tarjumanyan

Edona Asllani

Egzon Boshrtakaj

Berat Bajrami

Djellza Hafizi

Laureta Hajrullahu

Blertë Hashani

Shkamb Jaka

Granit Kutllovci

Ardita Krasniqe

Lumturie Krasniqi

Florian Matarova

Katarina Palushaj

Era Qena

Rilind Sadiku

Fatlinda Shala

Arjana Suka

Dardan Sopa

Luiza Thaqi

Urta (Urtesë) Zeneli

Ari Zharku

Zgjim Zyba

Refki Gollopeni

Yll Xhaferi


Pristina: The Flowering celebrates 8,000 years of vivid cultural history.  Created with participation by students, artists, and scholars from all ethnicities and 38 municipalities, Pristina: The Flowering interweaves with the finest golden lines of filigree the past, present and future of this young and flowering city. Words and phrases of significance, in many languages, follow the roads of the city map as they move through time and space.  Gracing the greens of the city’s many parks are archaeological symbols, illuminating the sun of the Dardanians, the Smira labyrinth with its cycle of birth, death and rebirth, marking the underworld, this world and the world beyond; spirals, musical instruments and song accompany the patterned designs drawn upon the bright faces of young brides.

We rejoice that, through art, the world will know this city, a place of life. May peace continue and freedom flourish!