
Krokhmal Anastasiya


Photo print

16 x 16 inches


(Original, Oil on paper, 15 x 11 inches)

 I do not have any specific story about covid, there are paintings and each of them has its own story. But I can say something about the creation context,  maybe ше will become a good story:

In spring 2020, at the very beginning of Covid, I was diagnosed with anxiety disorder. I had noticed before that I was hypersensitive to many phenomena of life, but this time I knew that positive aspects could be found in this: I well felt the slightest changes in the states of nearby people. And during the pandemic, human reactions were aggravated as never before.

Humanity was united in its bare part - emotions and states of mind. People from all over the world were more honest about these manifestations than ever. This frankness and vulnerability, and at the same time the strength of the characters of people around the planet, inspired me to create a series of paintings “In the moment. Feelings and states“.

Paintings from this series reflect human conditions that were exposed during the pandemic, but which have always been with people. People in the paintings are depicted one by one to emphasize the loneliness in living their own, individual states. As Aldous Huxley said, "By its very nature every embodied spirit is doomed to suffer and enjoy in solitude. Sensations, feelings, insights, fancies - all these are private and, except through symbols and at second hand, incommunicable."

The condition that many of us faced when we lost our usual way of life, loved ones, leisure, and some even work. This is what gave stability to our life. In the picture, I tried to convey the state of the girl who was left alone with herself for the first time in her life, and found out that without all this surrounding "noise" from people and external events, she was not interesting to herself. This state is the beginning of a new stage in her development as a person.

Boredom_2020_oil paper_38x27 cm.jpg