
Julia Westerbeke and Claire Kessler-Bradner

The Interview

Pencil on cut paper

10 x 10 inch frames


Interview, 2021

You ask:

What has it felt like? 

To be a teacher during the pandemic? 

A parent? 

An artist? 

The wife of a hospital doctor? 

How has it felt?


I answer:

I will try again to say it, for you.



My job is this: 


To take it all in

The horrors of the world

The relentless fears

The illness that could kill

The stifling limits, immobility

The vast absence of our loved ones

The overwhelming truth of injustice, and the roiling, righteous anger

The helicopters overhead and the windows boarded up

The air, unbreathable with smoke

The apocalyptic skies on that dark orange day

And its terrifying implications for our collective future

The unhinged humans, ranting through their noisy sorrow

Just outside our door

The election and the insurrection and the 

Avalanche of lies

The New Rules and the New Rules and the New Rules again

The disappointment of the

Pendulum swing, renewing our fears and our vigilance 

Each and every time we begin to relax

And yes, the Death.



And my job is this:


To absorb it all

To hold the hard truths

To filter them through the sieve of myself so that they 

Come out the other side, digestible


Reframed through the distortion of my lens 

So that they,

The small people in my care,

Feel improbably, impossibly 

Safe, seen, steady,

To explain it all in the most careful words

So that they understand just enough to be

Cautious, conscientious, empathetic and brave

But not enough to despair.



And left behind, in the sieve of myself, is this:

Everything I refuse to burden them with.

The thick, sticky residue of

Cruelty, disaster, hopelessness

Coating my ribs

Kept where they can’t see it

Behind my masked smile, my practiced optimism,

My insides turning with trash.



Because above all else, my job is this:


The survival of their Hope.


Even if it means I am left stewing

In the ugly detritus 

Of it all.
